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February 27th 1927
The New York Times
Fuld Loses His Balance While Placing New Flag Pole on His Baltimore Toy Factory
Special Thanks to The New York Times
BALTIMORE, Feb. 26 — William Fuld, toy manufacturer and inventor of the Ouija board for “spirit communications,” died this afternoon at St. Joseph’s Hospital from injuries received earlier in the day when he fell three stories to the street from the roof of his toy factory at Harford and Lamont Avenues. He was 54 years of age.
Mr. Fuld had gone to the roof to superintend the replacement of a worn-out flagpole. He was standing near the edge of the roof, balancing himself by grasping an iron support of the pole, according to the workmen, when the support pulled from its moorings and Mr. Fuld toppled over backward, and fell to the ground. At the hospital physicians found he was suffering from concussion of the brain, five fractured ribs, broken arms and a fractured leg.
The Ouija board, which became the rage throughout the country some years ago, consisted of a polished board with the letters of the alphabet and the words “yes” and “no” in the corners. A little five-legged table, upon which two sitters laid their hands, after the fashion of a spiritualist seance, moved about and spelled answers to questions.